Today, Madelaine from Eyes on Animals provided a training session to the poultry team of the German animal welfare organization Deutscher Tierschutzbund on the humane handling of laying hens and broilers during catching and loading. The training covered essential factors to keep birds as calm as possible and minimize injuries. Topics included bird behavior, … [Mehr...] about Training the trainers – Eyes on Animals equips Tierschutzbund team with humane handling techniques
Say no to long-distance transport of young piglets: transport meat, not live animals
By: Marjolein van Huik, Senior Policy Officer Livestock Farming at The Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals, Madelaine Looije, Inspector at Eyes on Animals What happens to piglets deemed unsuitable for raising as finisher pigs? Tragically, these animals are not only sent to slaughter at a very young age but must also endure long and stressful journeys to get … [Mehr...] about Say no to long-distance transport of young piglets: transport meat, not live animals
Visit to Mulder sheep and goat slaughterhouse in Twello (NL)
Today, we paid a scheduled visit to the Mulder slaughterhouse in Twello. With input from Eyes on Animals, Mulder has implemented various improvements to create a calmer, more controlled handling and stunning process, reducing stress for the animals and minimizing errors. During our visit we watched camera surveillance footage from previous days and walked through the … [Mehr...] about Visit to Mulder sheep and goat slaughterhouse in Twello (NL)
EonA gives a talk to FVE on our improved pig electric-stunning design (to help phase out CO2 gas)
Eyes on Animals gave a talk today to 36 veterinarians at the FVE (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe ). The international audience was made out of veterinarians working as official inspectors from governments across Europe. We started off about the pain and panic pigs experience when CO2-gas is used to stun pigs at large pig slaughterhouses and the need for a more … [Mehr...] about EonA gives a talk to FVE on our improved pig electric-stunning design (to help phase out CO2 gas)
Unannounced visit to piglet slaughterhouse Beck in Kupferzell, Germany
Today, Eyes on Animals conducted an unannounced visit to a large slaughterhouse in Germany specializing in piglets. This facility often processes piglets with minor abnormalities, such as navel hernias, swollen joints, or bitten tails. These conditions can impair growth, potentially worsen, or require medical treatment, making early slaughter the most cost-effective … [Mehr...] about Unannounced visit to piglet slaughterhouse Beck in Kupferzell, Germany