Hopeful news- yesterday we hosted managers from a large pork company in the UK to come and see the abattoir we worked with for the past 3 years to create an improved automatic electric-stunning design, whereby hundreds of pigs per hour are no longer forced into one single file anymore and stress has been drastically reduced. There is more and more interest now that … [Mehr...] about More and more interest in moving away from CO2-gas stunning
slaughterhouse design
EonA gives a talk to FVE on our improved pig electric-stunning design (to help phase out CO2 gas)
Eyes on Animals gave a talk today to 36 veterinarians at the FVE (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe ). The international audience was made out of veterinarians working as official inspectors from governments across Europe. We started off about the pain and panic pigs experience when CO2-gas is used to stun pigs at large pig slaughterhouses and the need for a more … [Mehr...] about EonA gives a talk to FVE on our improved pig electric-stunning design (to help phase out CO2 gas)
Unannounced visit to piglet slaughterhouse Beck in Kupferzell, Germany
Today, Eyes on Animals conducted an unannounced visit to a large slaughterhouse in Germany specializing in piglets. This facility often processes piglets with minor abnormalities, such as navel hernias, swollen joints, or bitten tails. These conditions can impair growth, potentially worsen, or require medical treatment, making early slaughter the most cost-effective … [Mehr...] about Unannounced visit to piglet slaughterhouse Beck in Kupferzell, Germany
Visit to VION cattle and pig slaughterhouse in Crailsheim, Germany
Today, Eyes on Animals visited a large pig and cattle slaughterhouse of VION in Crailsheim, Germany. Despite arriving without an appointment, the manager immediately made time for us. This allowed us to dive into key topics, including public concerns about CO₂ stunning for pigs and our work on a less stressful alternative: an optimized automatic electrical stunning system. … [Mehr...] about Visit to VION cattle and pig slaughterhouse in Crailsheim, Germany
Good News from Ghana: Major Improvements at Cape Coast Slaughter Slab
Over the past five years, Eyes on Animals and WACPAW have worked together to reduce animal suffering at the Cape Coast cattle slaughter slab in Ghana. Initially, cattle endured severe stress and suffering due to harsh handling practices, including being forcibly tripped, tightly tethered, and slaughtered without stunning.Thanks to ongoing training by WACPAW and EonA and … [Mehr...] about Good News from Ghana: Major Improvements at Cape Coast Slaughter Slab