The climate crisis affects us all, but especially the pigs that are raised extensively and the farmers who do everything to give their pigs a good life outside where they have fresh air, can run and play, root and wallow! Being an „outdoor“ pig farmer in the Netherlands has never been as difficult or as costly as in this past year. We want to support Kees Scheepens and Inge Vleemingh, two dedicated outdoor “Caring” pig farmers, in their mission to provide pigs with a better life. The climate crisis has made their work incredibly tough. This past winter and spring it rained more than double ever before and large parts of the Netherlands are under water and paths for the tractor to get to the animals are extremely muddy. We reached out to many outdoor pig farmers this past winter offering our support and both Kees and Inge replied, grateful for our offer to help. We’re aiming to raise €7,000 for a new shelter for Kees‘ pigs and €2,500 for 12,500 kg of straw for Inge’s pigs. Both farmers prioritize animal welfare, encourage less meat and dairy consumption and want to also see an end to many factory farming practices. Let’s show out support and solidarity !
To make a donation towards this crowdfunding action, click HERE.