At the request of EonA and several Dutch poultry transport companies, a manufacturer of plastic products has made a new poultry transport crate that better satisfies the European requirements. The new crate has a door on the side so that there is now access to the birds in at least the outer columns on the truck. During loading and transport poultry can unfortunately … [Read more...] about New poultry-transport crate design
Jumbo supermarket stops import of horse meat from Lamar slaughterhouse, Argentina
After Eyes on Animals, TSB Zuerich and AA USA released their investigation results on Tros Radar TV show indicating serious mistreatment of horses during transport and slaughter in Argentina and Uruguay, Jumbo sent their own team to these countries to investigate. Despite Jumbo announcing their visit to the slaughterhouses 3 days ahead, they still came to the same … [Read more...] about Jumbo supermarket stops import of horse meat from Lamar slaughterhouse, Argentina
Volkskrant: Jumbo supermarkets stop working with one of its suppliers of horse meat
The national daily Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant publishes an article about Jumbo supermarket´s decision to stop working with one of its suppliers of horse meat. After Eyes on Animals and colleague organizations released their findings on Tros Radar TV show, Jumbo sent two inspectors to check on a horse slaughterhouse in Argentina and came to the same conclusion as us- the … [Read more...] about Volkskrant: Jumbo supermarkets stop working with one of its suppliers of horse meat
Wegkijken voor paardenleed is geen optie
Het is belangrijk om niet weg te kijken voor paardenleed - hoe pijnlijk ook. Eyes on Animals maakt dierenleed zichtbaar en biedt directe hulp aan dieren in nood. Ingrid Ramaan, verantwoordelijk voor het paardenwelzijnswerk van de organisatie: “Het is tanden op elkaar en je vasthouden aan iedere kleine verbetering die je maakt.” Nog nooit van Eyes on Animals gehoord? Zo … [Read more...] about Wegkijken voor paardenleed is geen optie
Silence big importers horsemeat is worrying
Sorry, this blog post will only be available in Dutch Eyes on Animals is verontrust over het stilzwijgen van Nederlands grootste importeurs van Latijnse en Noord-Amerikaans paardenvlees over de grote gezondheidsrisico’s voor de consument en het schrijnende dierenleed dat wij hebben onthuld in ons onderzoek. Dat terwijl die gezondheidsrisico’s in het gisteren verschenen … [Read more...] about Silence big importers horsemeat is worrying