Lesley lives in The Netherlands and founded Eyes on Animals in 2008. She has a Masters degree in Ethology from the University of Guelph in Canada and has been inspecting animal transport and slaughter conditions internationally since 2001.
Margreet lives in The Netherlands and joined Eyes on Animals in its early years, in 2009, after a long career as a therapist. She has many years working as an inspector and trainer for the organization. Margreet also manages our social media.
Asalet lives in Germany and helps run our training and inspection program in Turkey where he is originally from. His focus is on reducing the suffering of animals during transport and slaughter in Turkey.
Madelaine lives in the Netherlands and joined Eyes on Animals in 2015 as a full-time inspector and trainer. She has a BSc in Animal Science from Leeuwarden Agricultural School and many years of experience working in the field with farm animals.
Berker lives in Turkey and is a veterinarian. He assists with our inspections of livestock transports to Turkey and of Turkish slaughterhouses. He has also helped organize numerous animal-welfare workshops in Turkey.
Eduard is a specialist in calf-at-foot dairy farming with a lot of first-hand experience working on Dutch and German dairy farms where calves remain with their mothers. He works for Eyes on Animals on a freelance basis as the EonA advisor and consultant for dairy farmers producing for the Demeter Dutch calf-at-foot label "Kalverliefde' and is in charge of the EonA audit activities on their farms.
Nicola lives in England. After many years of assisting Eyes on Animals with investigative research she joined the team of inspectors in 2017 to help with the field work. Her inspections of animal transports focus on animals being imported and exported by the UK and Ireland.
Roy is a stunman and has worked with farm animals since 1996. As a late teenager he took on a summer-job at a slaughterhouse and saw that there were bad conditions for animals. He decided to work full-time in slaughterhouses in order to be able to make a difference. He has now years of experience working as a stunman in cattle and pig slaughterhouses in The Netherlands. He has a certificate as Animal Welfare Officer from Bristol and since 2019 is the main person in charge of animal-welfare at a large Dutch cattle plant. In 2018 he joined Eyes on Animals to help us with our projects in developing countries where slaughter techniques are really inhumane and modern equipment to restrain and stun lacking. He teaches and shows by example how to handle animals calmly and how to use captive bolt and electric stunning to render animals insensitive to pain before cutting their throats. He cares deeply about animals and is willing to work in tough situations in order to reduce suffering.
Other team members
Web editor
Sanja lives in Germany and manages the Eyes on Animals website. She posts all the articles and photos and ensures that the Dutch, English and German versions are up to date. She also helps with fundraising.
Katarzyna lives in Poland and is a professional translator with also many years experience training police on the European legislation protecting animals during transport. She runs the Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF training program of Polish Road Inspection Authority (ITD) in Poland.
Levente lives in Hungary and runs the Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF animal-welfare training program for the Hungarian competent authorities such as the highway police and official veterinarians. Levente also assists with our truck-driver training courses.
Photographer & webdesigner
Jack is a freelance photographer and webdesigner, living in the Netherlands. He is responsible for our website and on occasion accompanies us during inspections to take pictures.
The board
Patricia Beekelaar
General board member
Suzanne Renzen
Marketing and communications professional
Jane Barrett
Economics teacher