Back in 2014, Eyes on Animals together with Tierschutzbund Zürich informed the Dutch public via Tros Radar and the Dutch food industry via an intensive investigation report and film showing the horrible welfare conditions they discovered in North, Central and South America for horses being sold, transported and slaughtered for meat exported to The Netherlands. The good … [Read more...] about Update: The cruel reality behind imported horse meat still found in The Netherlands
special projects
Stop tolerating systematic violations of international law when exporting livestock to third countries
UPDATE 10.07.16 Newest film showing the latest situation at the border from June 23-27, 2016 Press release 19.02.16 Eyes on Animals: the presidency of European Council is The Netherlands; it is time to act. A five years investigation conducted by Eyes on Animals (NL), Animal Welfare Foundation (Germany) and Tierschutzbund Zurich (Switzerland) at the … [Read more...] about Stop tolerating systematic violations of international law when exporting livestock to third countries
On-going project: Reducing animal-suffering in Turkish slaughterhouses
In 2010, the border between Europe and Turkey opened for the export of livestock. Suddenly, we saw dozens of livestock trucks from all over the EU crossing into Turkey on a daily basis. Many had dairy cattle on board, going for further production. But many had European sheep and young bulls on board, destined for slaughterhouses in Turkey. Eyes on Animals together with our … [Read more...] about On-going project: Reducing animal-suffering in Turkish slaughterhouses
Eyes on Animals release report on dairy cattle industry in the Netherlands
"Giving Milk a Good Shake- looking at better ways of producing dairy" is the new report that we released today. It identifies the current problems Eyes on Animals inspectors observed during our visits of the dairy industry, with a specific focus on the Netherlands. It covers life on the farm, the fate of the calves, cull cows being sold at markets, long-distance transport … [Read more...] about Eyes on Animals release report on dairy cattle industry in the Netherlands
The cruel reality behind horse meat in The Netherlands
Most horses that are killed for the meat that is sold in Dutch supermarkets and snackbars have suffered under extremely cruel conditions. This becomes clear from a large international investigation conducted by Eyes on Animals together with Tierschutzbund Zürich (Switserland) and Animals’ Angels USA. The Netherlands imports meat from almost 60.000 horses yearly … [Read more...] about The cruel reality behind horse meat in The Netherlands