Truck Design
This video explains the requirements of the EC 1/2005 legislation in regards to the design of the truck and is meant for official certifiers of livestock vehicles as well as manufacturers and transport companies.
Slaughterhouse Modernization
A practical guide to raising animal-handling standards and meat quality in your plant.
Tips for Animal Truckers
Going all the way for welfare!
With advice given by experienced livestock drivers.
KIP, IK HEB JE!* (I have you chicken!)
Correct handling of animals during transport is crucial for your business to develope a professional reputation and for achieving an acceptable animal-welfare niveau. Correct animal-handling of course also applies to the handling of poultry when collected on the farm and loaded into transport crates. When the handling of the birds is done carefully, there is less economic loss from carcass damage and the welfare of the animals is better respected.
*This educational brochure about poultry-catching is only available in Dutch.
Instructions – EonA’s upright catching method for laying hens
The upright catching method has been introduced by Eyes on Animals as an alternative to the commercial catching method where birds are grabbed by one leg, 3-5 at a time, which causes a lot of pain and stress to the birds. We have already convinced several large egg producing companies and farmers to switch to this more humane catching method.
A guidebook on how to catch, load and transport poultry in a careful manner.
Instruktarz – Holenderska metoda łapania kur według EoA
Metoda wyłapywania kur w pionie została wprowadzona przez Eyes on Animals jako metoda bardziej przyjazna zwierzętom niż obecnie powszechnie stosowana metoda (za jedna nogę, głową do dołu). Wielu dużych producentów jaj i hodowców drobiu udało się już przekonać do przejścia na tę metodę.
Instructions – EonA’s Upright Catching Method for Broilers
In 2024, Eyes on Animals started introducing the upright catching method for broilers. Since 2016, Eyes on Animals has already implemented this method with various laying hen farmers, such as Kipster and Demeter. However, upright catching also provides significant animal welfare benefits for broilers. This brochure explains how to properly catch and load broilers upright into containers.
Catching chickens calmly – less stress, fewer injuries
In 2016 Eyes on Animals introduced the “upright catching method” in order to reduce stress and pain experienced by chickens during catching and loading. This humane catching method is being adopted by more and more poultry farmers and egg companies. In this flyer, poultry farmers, poultry-catchers, egg companies and retailers can read about the upright method of catching and other practical information- such as costs, catching time and animal-welfare advantages.
Catching chickens calmly – less stress, fewer injuries (French version/Version francaise)
In 2016 Eyes on Animals introduced the “upright catching method” in order to reduce stress and pain experienced by chickens during catching and loading. This humane catching method is being adopted by more and more poultry farmers and egg companies. In this flyer, poultry farmers, poultry-catchers, egg companies and retailers can read about the upright method of catching and other practical information- such as costs, catching time and animal-welfare advantages.