Seeing your slaughterhouse through the eyes of a pig. Tips on how to reduce stress, suffering, and ease handling
Explore our Industry Tips document (2024), a collection of innovative practices observed during our global inspections of slaughterhouses. These insights are the result of years of dedicated fieldwork and research focused on improving animal welfare. Our primary objective is to promote the adoption of these effective practices in slaughterhouses worldwide, aiming to reduce animal suffering and enhance international standards of animal welfare. Throughout the document, you will find various photos and videos illustrating both effective and suboptimal practices, offering a dynamic and informative learning experience.
豚の視点からと畜場を見る ストレスや苦痛を軽減し、取扱いを容易にするためのアドバイス
豚の目を通して見るあなたの屠殺場: ストレスと苦しみを軽減し、取り扱いを容易にするためのヒント
本書はEyes on Animalsのオリジナルドキュメントであり、日本食肉技術研究所(JAMTI)によって翻訳されました。