Our innovative re-design of automatic electric pig stunning and improvement of handling procedures in order to enable the quick phasing out of painfulCO2 stunning, have been published in Vet Record. Vet Record is a respected veterinary journal published by the British Veterinary Association (BVA). These articles appeared after Vet Record attended our presentation at … [Read more...] about Vet Record journal publishes articles about EonA’s improvements to electric stunning so that abattoirs can move away from CO2 gas
pig stunning
pH of meat improved by 0.2 after Westfort improves animal-welfare
Last spring Eyes on Animals together with Dr. Kees Scheepens helped Westfort pig slaughterhouse develop a “Plan-of-Action” to significantly reduce animal-stress inside their plant. Westfort pig slaughterhouse started by intensively training their personnel on animal-welfare and how to carry out their specific tasks optimally. Each employee was then evaluated to be sure … [Read more...] about pH of meat improved by 0.2 after Westfort improves animal-welfare
Dutch House of Respresentatives accepts motion to phase out use of CO2 during pig slaughter
Eyes on Animals set up cameras in several commercial slaughterhouses in Europe to show their behaviour when they were transported down into high concentrations of CO2. The purpose of the film was to start a discussion on CO2 and electric stunning and question if it was not time for a brand new, more humane alternative. It seemed everyone had an opinion about CO2 being more … [Read more...] about Dutch House of Respresentatives accepts motion to phase out use of CO2 during pig slaughter
Meeting with Westfort pig slaughterhouse
Westfort pig slaughterhouse has built a new facility and is in the midst of preparing to purchase a new pig stunning system for it. To avoid mistakes in the future, we saw this as a chance to influence the design before it is built. EonA together with Dr. Kees Scheepens (veterinarian and pig behaviourist) discussed with the Director ways of reducing noise, risk of injury … [Read more...] about Meeting with Westfort pig slaughterhouse