In March of 2019 L214 and Eyes on Animals filmed severe animal abuse at the control post “Qualivia” in Tollevast (FR), where Irish calves are supposed to get rest and milk after a long journey (up to 50 hours). The images show frustrated workers kicking, hitting and dragging the calves by their ears. One of the employees is so aggressive, he is seen jumping on a calf that has collapsed. L214 was one of 4 French organizations that took the control location to court. Today the judge sentenced the most aggressive worker to 8 months of probationary jail. The employee is also prohibited from working in an animal related profession for the next 5 years and from keeping any animals for 3 years. We are happy with this firm decision by the French judge.
Click here to read more about the judges verdict >>
Click here to read more about our investigation and the abuse that was recorded >>