Some of our work is behind the scene, like today. We gave a custom-tailored training course at one of the European pig abattoirs that has made major improvements to their equipment design and also to their method of moving animals. Of course animals never want to be killed and one cannot speak of welfare during slaughter, but we are pushing as much as possible that all completely avoidable suffering or fear be minimized. At this plant we have succeeded in reducing the tempo by 4 times and have gotten rid of all noisy handling tools like rattlers and paddles. This has resulted in a quieter environment (less frightening) and animals not being rushed through anymore, resulting also in employees not getting as tired or as impatient with the animals. We taught pig behaviour, importance of only moving small groups, not walking into their flight zone etc. As long as abattoirs exist we see it as very useful to have trained animal activists like us (vets, ethologists, AWO ) involved in design and handling so that conditions for animals are not as bad as without our “animal activist” input.
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