Today one of our inspectors visited the yearly horse market in Elst. Due to circumstances EonA could not arrive at the beginning of the market, but only at 12 pm. Many of the animals had already been sold and were gone. Unfortunately, this means we could get only a very limited impression of the welfare circumstances at Elst. The total number of equines offered for sale … [Read more...] about Short visit to Elst horse market, NL
Inspection of Elst horse market, NL
Two teams from Eyes on Animals visited this yearly horse for the first time early in the morning and this afternoon. Unfortunately during the inspection of the first team, between 4.30 and 7.30, neither the NVWA (Dutch government authorities) nor an extra veterinarian were present to be able to check on horses that looked sick and on horses with docked tails. In the … [Read more...] about Inspection of Elst horse market, NL