Today was a very disappointing day in Turkey and showed us again how humans take advantage of every opportunity to make money, at the cost of animal welfare.
Asalet went to 3 organizations in Ankara (the Ministry of Agriculture, the Halal Accreditation Agency and TSE-Halal standards) to show them the way animals are tortured in Turkish slaughterhouses, where they are dragged, hoisted by chains, tied, inverted and have their throats cut all while fully conscious. Minutes of extreme terror, panic and unimaginable pain. He insisted that they finally take a more public and firm stand by publicly condemning these methods and this cruelty. He also asked them to make it clear that pre-stunning is important to reduce this suffering. But they all just pointed the blame and responsibility on the other, and despite many being shocked by the footage, none of them was willing to stand up for a change.
The Halal industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and takes advantage of good-willing Muslims who believe that the essence of religion is compassion and trust the Halal certifyers and Ministry officials, but should not. The Turkish Ministry and Halal certifyers in Turkey are permitting horrible suffering of animals and purposely preventing any progress.