This morning we gave a practical training course to another slaughterhouse in eastern Turkey, not far from the city of Agri. Here, like almost all other cattle and sheep slaughterhouses all over the country, animals were being hoisted by one leg and having their throats cut all while fully conscious and thus fully capable of feeling pain and fear. We showed them how a captive bolt stunner works at rendering the animals unconscious, so that they can at least be insensitive to pain during the slaughter process. We explained to them how to maintain it and how to use it safely and correctly on the animals. They were very impressed at the difference pre-stunning makes and would like to use it as of now. We leased them for free one of our stunners and will stay in touch with them. We would like to thank them for their open-mindedness and for wanting to decrease the level of fear and suffering. As long as animals continue to be slaughtered in Turkey, this is a very important step forward as it makes a huge difference for the animals.
Home » Our inspections » Training the use of stunners at cattle slaughterhouse near Agri, Turkey