Yesterday Eyes on Animals worked at a slaughterhouse near Bursa (Turkey) to show the difference between traditional slaughter (without pre-stunning) and more humane slaughter (with a stunner). They were slaughtering cattle from the Czech Republic. We showed them how the use of a stunner renders the cattle at least unconscious before they are hoisted by a chain around their leg and have their neck cut. The manager is totally in favour of pre-stunning but first more customers have to understand and accept stunning. It is still, wrongly, seen as a taboo in the Muslim religion. But Asalet knows the Koran well and the Hadiths and always takes the time to explain that pre-stunning is completely in line with their faith. See this video for what we illustrated today. As long as people eat meat we will not give up at trying to reduce the horrendous suffering farm animals undergo.
Home » Our inspections » Teaching stunning at cattle abattoir near Bursa, Turkey