When we first visited Tamale abattoir in Ghana with WACPAW, we observed downer cattle being dragged into the slaughterhouse via ropes tied around their necks. It was horrible, as the animals were dragged this way up a long ramp and through the entire slaughterhouse building, covering about 50 metres in total. Last year we made trolleys so that these poor animals at least can be spared from being dragged like this. These trolleys make a big difference and are used a lot now. Last week the WACPAW/EonA team returned to fix the wheels which were starting to become wobbly. We have replaced the old wheels with stronger and slightly higher ones. The trolleys allow the downers to be rolled in. Sadly, the actual slaughter conditions are still very terrible (blunt knives, no pre-stunning, restraint by tying up all legs by rope, twisting of the neck…), but we are pleased about the cooperation and interest from the plant managers in at least improving the conditions inside one step at a time.
Home » Our inspections » Repair of trolleys for downer cattle, Tamale abattoir, Ghana