One of the most horrible things the WACPAW (local NGO in Ghana that we work with) and EonA teams face during our work in Ghana is what happens to downer cows, especially at abattoirs in the Muslim region not yet accepting stunning. The animals are dragged into the slaughter hall, still fully conscious and sometimes even by ropes around their necks. We can get angry about this, or protest it… but that won’t help the animals acutely. This will sadly go on with or without us, so the best we can do is discuss this concern with the managers, and get quick practical help in place so that the suffering is curbed. WACPAW and EonA have, together with the managers of Tamale abattoir, had several trolleys built. As of last week, downer cows are no longer tugged by their necks all along the ramp and into the abattoir, but are now placed on a trolley and rolled into the slaughter hall.
In the meantime the managers of the abattoir in Tamale also know that we are prepared to give them stunners and teach their butchers how to use them, but this will take a bit more time before they are convinced stunning is still halal. But we won’t give up and WACPAW and EonA will continue being active on the ground to try to get less cruel options in place immediately.