Previously, animals at Kumasi pig slaughterhouse, Kumais cattle slaughterhouse, Cape Coast commercial and Cape Coast campus abattoirs in Ghana used to be slaughtered by having their necks slit while fully conscious. Together with WACPAW, we have started an education program in Ghana on animal-welfare. We explain the important of rendering animals unconscious prior to slitting their throats and have donated captive bolt stunners and cartridges to those slaughterhouses seriously ready to make the switch. To date, there are four slaughterhouses that now stun animals. This is a first for Ghana. Although it does not sound like good news, as the animals continue to suffer horrendously there, it is definitely a step in the right direction and has gotten rid of the very worst moments of fear and pain during slaughter.
Please watch these short videos illustrating the success at each of the four plants.
Kumasi pig abattoir:
Kumasi cattle abattoir:
Cape Coast commercial abattoir:
Cape coast campus abattoir: