Today we did a follow-up inspection of the Cape Coast cattle slaughterhouse, where we gave a training last year and distributed captive bolt pistols and cartridges, so they could render cattle unconscious before cutting their throats. Employees let us know that they are too afraid to stun all of the cattle because some of the cattle can be very wild or aggressive.
We therefore spent extra time teaching them how to handle cattle calmly so that the cattle stay calm too. Out of fear of bulls, workers often hit, kick and break the tails of cattle thinking that this will make them more “obedient and docile”… but we explained that these things work counterproductive and that by hurting the cattle it just makes them scared and defensive.
Through our training, the employees have gained more confidence in dealing with cattle without using force. In the end, all the cattle were stunned before slaughter and therefor spared a great deal of suffering.
With thanks to Pezzaioli, the Italian livestock truck company, for partially financing the stun guns and other materials to help improve animal welfare in Ghanaian slaughterhouses.