Due to today’s warm weather , Eyes on Animals decided to visit a public parking area where poultry trucks from Clazing slaughterhouse are known to park while awaiting their turn to unload. However, today, no poultry trucks were found.
The manager of Clazing informed us by phone that their trucks now park on their own premises. For this purpose, a canopy with fans has been built. This is good news, however, when we asked if we could take a look at their new setup, the manager informed us that they did not see any value from a visit, but they did send us some photos (see below).
The canopies will provide shade, but in order to avoid turning the parking area into a sauna they need to be effectively ventilated by installing fans at differing heights. The canopy also needs to be high enough to allow the heat to escape. Clazing indicated that they do not measure temperature and or humidity levels underneath the canopy. So, whether the current setup provides more comfort to the chickens waiting underneath is unfortunately an unknown. Clazing indicated that they continue to strive for the shortest possible wait.
Clazing is one of the few slaughterhouses in the Netherlands where Eyes on Animals is not welcome and where chickens are still stunned by means of an electric water bath. It concerns us that Clazing is not open to a visit or our advice.