Excellent breaking news from our team in Turkey: another cattle slaughterhouse here accepts stunning.
Today we trained the butchers at a plant in western Turkey on how to use a captive bolt pistol and explained how it works on rendering cattle unconscious so that they at least feel less pain and fear during slaughter. They saw the benefit immediately to welfare and worker safety and will implement its’ use immediately. We donated a Termet captive bolt stunner together with 1000 cartridges to them. We will continue doing follow up checks to assist them in the future as well. All cattle were stunned today instead of chained and cut while fully conscious.
Thank you to Asalet from Eyes on Animals who organized with the customs and ministry that captive bolts could finally be imported into Turkey, and to Jan Voordouw the professional butcher from Holland who is volunteering for EonA in Turkey this week and Pezzaioli and Marel for helping EonA with covering the costs of the stunners.