On April the 15th we visited Baskent slaughterhouse. They did some really nice animal welfare improvements wich we want everebody to notice.
1 – When we went there the first time there was no roof above the waiting area. This time we saw a new built roof which protects the animals from adverse weather. A roof also prevents the creation of shadows on the floor of the pens and raceway, which confuse and stress the animals.
2 – The lateral protection of the raceways towards the restraint box used to be open. The animals were able to see objects and people moving around them and therefore refused to walk on. Now the lateral protection is solid and it is much easier to drive the animals towards the restraint box without using so much force. You can see that the animals are much calmer as they are not distracted.
3 – They installed anti-mounting bars above the raceway towards the restraint box. The animals cannot mount each other anymore which reduces the risk of injuries.
4 – They installed a lamp above the trip-floor box. As this area is now lit-up and no longer a dark hole, the animals enter the restraint box much easier and the use of electric prods is reduced.
We want to thank all the responsible people at Baskent slaughterhouse who made the changes happen and hope they will go on with their animal welfare improvements.