WACPAW and Eyes on Animals organized a conference on Animal Behavior and Welfare in Bolgatanga (northern region of Ghana) focusing on addressing animal cruelty especifically in the meat-trade of dogs and donkeys. The workshop had 55 participants, including teachers, vets, butchers, farmers, public health workers, media, and the general public. Topics covered included Understanding Animal Behaviour, Sentience and Welfare, Impact of meat from stressed and sick animals on Human Health, and Responsible Pet Ownership.

The participants gained knowledge and skills in understanding behavioral traits and intelligence of animals, as well as improving their welfare. They expressed enthusiasm about the program and anticipated positive impacts on both their lives and animals. Animal cruelty is rampant in this area and we only have a real chance to reduce it via long-term education and assessing other ways people here can earn a living. We plan to return in early 2024.