For the first time, a parliamentary commission investigating animal-welfare and animal rights violations and solutions was established in Turkey. They convoked our friend Burak from “Animal Rights and Ethics Association” from Turkey to attend and give a talk. Burak showed several films Eyes on Animals and AWF made of Turkish slaughterhouses and gave a talk about the serious animal-welfare problems inside. After his presentation, we submitted to the commission our “Halal Slaughterhouse Modernization” guideline book, which covers all the main problems in Turkish slaughterhouses causing excruciating pain, and what steps can be taken to reduce the suffering. For the first time ever, Turkish deputies from five different political parties watched footage of animal slaughter and discussed this topic!
This Commission now plans to write a report about their concerns for animal-welfare during slaughter in Turkey and present this to Parliament and compotent authorities. We would like to thank Burak and his organization @hayvanhaklarietigi for taking this concern to a political level and for spreading the footage. The more people in politics that are aware of what is going on, the better chance of changing legislation and getting better protection for farm animals during slaughter.