Today our package arrived in Ghana. We sent many stunners, cartridges and proper knives to West Africa Center for the Protection of Animal Welfare for them to continue to train butchers how to render animals unconscious before cutting their throat, and to put an end to animals being butchered while fully conscious with blunt knives. We know it is still slaughter, but if we can phase out the real terrible suffering, then the animals today will really benefit. Ghana is, just like the Netherlands, far from being a “vegan paradise” so this is the most practical and effective way to get some compassion to cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and rabbits there quickly. Thank you to Varkens in Nood for their financial contribution to EonA to get this equipment over there. In Ghana there are no local manufacturers of stunning equipment, so before WACPAW and EonA started working there, all animals were being butchered while fully conscious and terrified.