Today Eyes on Animals had an online meeting with the board of the livestock market in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands). The livestock market, which used to be housed in the WTC complex, will move to business park De Hemrik in 2021. To make sure that animal welfare will be considered as much as possible during the construction of the new market, Eyes on Animals gave the board several suggestions.
Important suggestions which will be realized:
- Loading and unloading platforms will be designed in such a way that animals can walk in and out of the truck with minimal change in floor heights ;
- Cattle will no longer be tethered, there will only be group housing.
- The new hall is taller – so a healthier climate can be realized.
- There will be sick pens close to the unloading area, so that sick or injured animals can be separated immediately.
- The raceways are narrower and the side walls partially closed; this ensures that animals are less distracted, reduces chances that they will try to escape or become trapped by their limbs or head.
Other suggestions, such more efficient feeding- and drinking stations for unweaned calves, use of camera surveillance and flexible gates during unloading to prevent escapes, were received positively by the board of the livestock market in Leeuwarden and will now be discussed with the remaining board members.
We would like to thank the Leeuwarden livestock board for their interest and the implementation of various animal welfare suggestions.