Some positive news. Bob from the Ugandan NGO The Vegan Village (that did an internship with EonA and WACPAW in Ghana last year) is regularly working in the field. Not just helping vegetable farmers and promoting people to stick to their Indigenous, largely plant-based diets, but also to improve on the welfare of farmed animals in Uganda. Many pigs in Uganda are kept tied up at the leg on short ropes. Their legs often become injured and they have no protection from the sun or ability to roam around. The Vegan Village and EonA are now having a pen built so this pig will have shade and be able to wallow and walk around freely without being tied up around his leg. The aim is to also put another pig with this one, as pigs are social animals and always feel better in small groups. It is just a little step and only costs 200 euro, but what a difference it will make to 2 chained- pigs!
Home » Our inspections » Improvement of housing facility for chained pig, Uganda