Eyes on Animals has decided to leave the Poultry Catching Steering Group. The industry stakeholders within the steering group (a.o. NVPSB, Nepluvi and LTO) are not committed to switch to a catching and loading method which holds birds in an upright, natural position. Even though scientific studies, the EFSA recommendations and a court decision, all conclude that birds should stay in an upright position to reduce stress and injury, the industry stakeholders remain of the opinion that catching birds by their legs and holding them upside down is an “acceptable starting point”.
Eyes on Animals is always eager to share their knowledge and practical experiences with industry stakeholders that are willing to improve. Together with innovating poultry farmers and catching companies we have proven time and time again that the upright catching of birds is possible, whether on small or large scale farms. Participating in the steering group felt like bringing water to the ocean; a pointless exercise. Our meetings ended up in discussions, with little or no commitment to change.
We understand that switching to an upright catching method brings with it several challenges and is not something that can be done overnight. But where there is a will, there is a way and sadly, the ‘will’ remains missing. The atmosphere was one of denial, delay and opposition. Eyes on Animals prefer to spend her energy on stakeholders that are genuinely motivated, think about solutions, and are willing to take positive action. We have therefore taken the decision to resign from the steering group.