Since 2010 we have been documenting the extreme suffering and death of farm animals being exported by truck from all over Europe to Turkey. This route is a long and complicated one regardless of what time of the year it takes place. But the summertime is the worst, because the temperatures at the EU/Turkey border reach 40 degrees and there is no infrastructure for the live animals stuck on trucks and have to wait hours, days and sometimes even weeks at the border. There is no shade for the trucks to park under, there is no stable to unload the animals, there is only one water hydrant for the often 20-30 livestock trucks parked there to get water for the animals from and the water pressure is often low. Despite Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF footage broadcasted in the media throughout Europe each year, and despite us meeting repeatedly with the EU Commission and Authorities from the exporting EU Member States, the trade continues in a horrible manner. What is really bad news however, is that not only is the trade continuing under such inhumane conditions but the number of animals being exported during the hot summer months is only going up! There is no shame.
Right now there are over 5000 cattle in quarantine stations in various Member States, in particular Germany, waiting to be trucked to Turkey at the end of June! The exporting and importing cattle traders are the real culprits, but the transport companies are also to blame as they accept to carry out the requests during this time of the year. And the EU and Member State authorities let this continue, year after year. They close a blind eye to their own legislation and their own power. This trade is obviously of economic interest for Europe, that is why.
Please help us at least try to stop the upcoming export consignments of thousands of cattle in late June! Please write a polite but firm email to Commissioner Andriukaitis (responsible for animal welfare) at
We recommend you to watch this film made by Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF to learn more about this trade route. This can help you prepare a strong and effective email to the Commissioner. Watch HERE.
Here is an example of an email message to inspire you:
Dear Commissioner Andriukaitis,
The suffering of farm animals trucked along the route from Europe to Turkey is well known. Your authorities at the EU Commission and all exporting Member States have received photos, video footage and detailed reports about the reality on the ground there since 2010. These problems are not incidences, but routine violations of the EU animal-transport legislation and to the dignity of sentient beings. Society has evolved, and transporting live animals in ways that are known to cause, or seriously risk causing suffering and pain, is no longer acceptable. I am a resident of Europe and I would like to kindly insist that the European Commission puts its foot down on this trade route and finally puts an end to the misery. I am particularly appalled at the fact that Europe is planning on exporting over 5000 cattle this month to Turkey, right when the summer heat peaks and suffering is known to be the most unbearable.
With best regards, xxxx