Today EonA was asked to give a talk about the CO2 stunning of pigs and our demand for research on alternative stunning methods to be conducted.
Already back in 2002 the European Food Safety Authority warned the European Commission that CO2 was aversive and not the best option to stun pigs. But because there was no commercially viable alternative, except for electric stunning which also had its disadvantages, it has all these years been tolerated and not questioned. Eyes on Animals does not point the finger at any particular slaughterhouse that uses CO2, but does insist that the industry as a whole, together with government support, spend money and time on research to develop a more humane option now. We also warn companies like TESCO to stop putting demands on their suppliers to switch to CO2, because this will just economically immobilize them from being able to phase it out and replace it with a new humane alternative in the near future. Rather than spending millions of euro’s switching to new CO2 stunning systems now, use this money instead on research for an ideal humane stunning system that is viable also in the future for all plants.
Our talk, along with 2 other presentations on this day, led to the Intergroup releasing this press release. Click HERE to read it.