Jan Voordouw is a slaughterman by profession and also a volunteer for Eyes on Animals. He believes that as long as animals are slaughtered, they must at least be treated with utmost respect so that suffering and fear can be kept to an absolute minimum. Thanks to him, we have trained slaughtermen in Turkey on how to stun cattle first with a captive bolt pistol, so they do not have to undergo the extra pain and fear of being slaughtered while fully conscious. He has also helped us completely redesign a pig slaughterhouse so that high through-put electric stunning is now a more „humane“ alternative to CO2 gas stunning. He has put his skills into decreasing the suffering of hundreds of thousands of animals and still counting.
We are grateful to have people like Jan in our team, who get their hands literally dirty to make a huge difference for animals now, everyday. To listen to the interview with him, click HERE.