Ways to Donate March 16, 2012 You can transfer a donation to our bank account: Triodos Bank (Zeist, NL) NL73 TRIO 0212364219BIC: TRIONL2U OR click on the left image of your choice (Ideal, Credit Card etc…) or donate directly with Paypal {source}<!– You can place html anywhere within the source tags –> <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>function testResults (form) { var Amount = form.inputbox.value; var _link = “https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?”; _link += “&cmd=_xclick”; _link += “&business=info@eyesonanimals.com”; _link += “¤cy_code=EUR”; _link += “&amount=”+Amount; _link += “&item_name=”+escape(“donation EoA website”); window.location = _link;}</script><?php// You can place PHP like this?> <img src=”images/stories/Images/HowCanYouHelp/Donate/paypal.jpg” alt=”donate to paypal”><FORM NAME=”myform” ACTION=”” METHOD=”GET”>Enter amount in Euro’s: <BR><INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”inputbox” VALUE=””><P><INPUT TYPE=”button” NAME=”button” Value=”Donate” onClick=”testResults(this.form)”></FORM> {/source} Set up automatic periodical donation via Paypal: Option 1 : &2,00 EUR – maandelijksOption 2 : &5,00 EUR – maandelijksOption 3 : &10,00 EUR – maandelijksOption 4 : &20,00 EUR – maandelijksOption 5 : &40,00 EUR – maandelijks share share share save email