Today Eyes on Animals revisited Vion pig-slaughterhouse in Boxtel (NL) because of the extreme hot weather (30-33°C). When we arrived a few minutes before 4:00 pm the property was empty. The delivery of pigs had stopped. Even though we think a transport-stop during this hot weather (>30°C) should be standard practice, we are happy to see this in action. During our last visit (August 10th) we still witnessed long waiting times underneath the canopy and two trucks parked outside the Vion premises in full sun, with many suffering pigs on board. Thankfully Vion has tightened their policy, mainly as a result of our inspections and all the negative media-attention that has been generated. Of course we will continue monitoring them closely.
Home » Our inspections » Visit to Vion slaughterhouse in Boxtel during extreme hot weather