Eyes on Animals was hired by Sleegers transport, a large Dutch animal transport company, to give a welfare-workshop to its chauffeurs.
Nineteen chauffeurs were present. The point of the workshop is to review the requirements of the EC 1/2005 legislation on the protection of animals during transport, and remind them of the importance of the law and the ethics involved in transporting sentient living beings. At the end of the workshop, we invited the chauffeurs to a board game that we made, where they had to answer questions about the legal requirements. See photo below. Despite the obvious conflict that animal-welfare NGO’s and animal transporters often can get into, we had a positive experience with several chauffeurs that showed knowledge, motivation and were open to our presence and suggestions.
Although not all chauffeurs were enthusiastic about the workshop, those that were made our hard efforts worthwhile. We would like to thank Mr. Sleegers for taking this step to increase awareness among his chauffeur. To read an article about this training, published in the daily TROUW newspaper: