Lesley from Eyes on Animals was contracted out by the organization Animals’ Angels to offer a training workshop to 35 French gendarmes, highway police, and official veterinarians in the department 87 in France. In the morning Lesley and her French colleague Jessica, from PMAF, presented the EU legislation providing protection to animals during transport. In the afternoon the participants and trainers headed out onto the road to stop and inspect livestock trucks heading towards the local slaughterhouse. One chauffeur was in violation for not having any proper documentation concerning the consignment of animals. As well, he did not have a certificate of competence to transport live animals. The French officials gave him a ticket (P.V) which will be followed up on by the public prosecutor. Fortunately all the animals we checked on this afternoon were in a good condition.
35 official participants came to the training workshop
During an inspection of one livestock truck it was
detected that important documents (Type 1 and
certificate of competence) were missing.