Today the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno in the Czech Republic held their 26th International Conference.The title of the conference was „Animal Protection and Welfare 2019“. Experts in animal welfare and protection, animal welfare officers from State Veterinary Administrative offices and students from the university were present.
Dora, a Czech veterinarian teacher who volunteered with Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF last summer, gave a presentation based on our findings in the field and the work of university. The focus of the talk was on the long-distance transport of cattle to third countries and the concerns with it.
Every year thousands of cattle are transported from the Czech Republic to third countries, in particular to Turkey. Last year 66 561 cattle in total were exported from the Czech Republic to third countries, of this 59 464 to Turkey. Dora spoke about specific legal requirements for the welfare and protection of cattle, based on Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 and the practical common sense needed to reduce suffering. Vidoes and photos from EonA and TSB|AWF inspections at the EU/Turkey border were shown.