Eyes on Animals played a leading role in major ferry company, P&O, ending the export of young calves from Scotland for onward transportation to Spain. Eyes on Animals uncovered numerous journey logs under the Freedom of Information Act stating that the P&O ferry company was facilitating the trade in young calves from Cairnryan Port in Scotland, via Ireland for onward travel to Spain, despite P&O’s company policy stating that due to their company ethics and their commitment to animal welfare they do not ship animals for further fattening or slaughter on their UK and Irish sea routes. Eyes on Animals worked closely with BBC Scotland to expose the trade in 2 week old calves being exported for further fattening in Spain. After the BBC aired the current affairs programme, ‘Disclosure’ entitled, ‘The Dark side of Dairy’ on 10.09.2018, P&O immediately issued a press release stating that they would cease shipping young calves destined for the Spanish market with immediate effect. You can read their statement HERE.
We would like to thank the BBC for their decision to air the programme which also revealed the issues surrounding the dairy industry and its treatment of the animals involved and a huge thank you to P&O for ending the trade on the Scotland to Ireland ferry service.