Today, Anna, an Eyes on Animals volunteer based in Poland, returned to the livestock market in Bodzentyn to continue her efforts of making people switch to using cardboard boxes instead of net-bags to transport chickens. The chickens legs and beaks get all caught up in the netting, and they trample eachother when carried. Anna had quite some success during this second visit: several people enthusiastically used the Eyes on Animals boxes to carry the chickens home with them. Each box she delivered had a sticker on it, indicating “Alive, please handle with care” in Polish. Some people even brought their own cardboard boxes, having seen her example during her first visit. She spoke with several of the people selling chickens at this market, some of whom will consider supplying cardboard boxes to their customers soon themselves. Eyes on Animals will continue visiting this market, setting a good example until the bad habit of using nets to transport chickens completely fades out.