Today Eyes on Animals met with the director of the Westfort slaughterhouse in The Netherlands. He is taking effective measures to improve the quality of life of farmed pigs. The Milieukeur label is a labelling scheme for farmers to join that, among other things, do NOT castrate their male pigs and have reduced ammoniac levels in their barns. Ammoniac burns the eyes and throats of pigs and remains a serious cause of animal suffering on pig, and also poultry, farms. Last year only 20 farmers participated in this scheme, but this year 100 joined. Milieukeur pig meat can be found at COOP grocery and Keurslager stores across The Netherlands. For people who insist on eating pig meat, purchasing your meat from such labels at least guarantees that the pigs had a higher quality of life than standard production methods.
Home » Our inspections » slaughterhouses » Meeting with a slaughterhouse director in NL that is trying to improve things