Kipster (Dutch egg company) has sent us their annual report 2019. On page 16 our upright catching method of hens (max 2 at a time, held and loaded upright in a gentle manner) instead of the conventional method (holding the birds upside down by their legs, with 3 – 4hens in each hand) is mentioned. Kipster was, after Rondeel, the second egg company that agreed with Eyes on Animals to switch over to this more humane method of catching laying hens. In 2019 we gave their catchers a training and helped them catch the hens.
This upright catching method Eyes on Animals is teaching and promoting is becoming increasingly more known and more egg companies are also preparing to make the switch in 2021 ! Kipsters’ transparency and future-vision in their annual report is very engaging.
Their attention to the welfare of the hens, as well as to sustainability appeals to us very much.
This annual report sets a good example for other egg producers and companies to follow suit !