Eyes on Animals, with the financial help from WSPA, Varkens in Nood and Stichting Hans van Eck, hosted a conference for official veterinarian inspectors from across Europe. It took place on June 23 and 24th in Amsterdam. The title was “harmonizing efforts on the front-line”. The aim was to provide an environment where veterinarians from the field could exchange information regarding animal transport problems that they observe in their country, advice on how to thoroughly check a livestock truck, and to increase communication between the Member states so that there is more harmonization in the application of the legislation. Official veterinarian inspectors from Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Poland and Lithuania were present. Together a memorandum was written and will be sent off to the EU Commission. Eyes on Animals would like to thank everyone who participated and who helped make this conference a success. And a special thank-you to Ms. Visser, the owner of the Eureka Hotel in Amsterdam who donated such a beautiful spot (a large houseboat) to hold the conference, plus accomodations for the international speakers coming from far.
To read an article printed in the Dutch agriculture newspaper Agrarisch Dagblad,argrarisch dagblad (available only in the Dutch language).