Despite inspectors from Eyes on Animals, TSB|AWF, Animals Angels and Compassion in World Farming repeatedly showing the EU Commission and Member State (MS) authorities of the horrendous way animals were suffering and dying during transport in the summer (due to the heat and humidity), trade in live animals has continued on and on, largely unchanged.
Until this year, finally some MS authorities and their more professional and courageous veterinarians are speaking out and making better decisions. We have received the following information: Luxembourg now forbids export to Turkey in the summer, The Netherlands forbids export to Turkey in July and August (and has been doing so for years now; it was the first to do this),Ireland bans live export to north Africa, Greece and Turkey in July and August, Slovakia, Austria and Italy forbid live-animal export during heat waves (above 30 degrees Celcius), Czech Republic forbade long-distance transport during the extreme heat wave this year from June 26-28. Some regions of Germany also places serious limitations on live export or bans it altogether. Hungary bans live export to Turkey, including any transit to Turkey from other MS via their country, when the 3-day weather forecast in Bulgaria and Turkey will be in the lower 30’s (degree Celcius).
This list is likely not complete. Should you be a MS authority, please share with us what has improved in your country should it not be in this list. Animal suffering during transport in the summer is a serious and on-going issue. We will continue to expose this problem and campaign for more changes.