Compaxo, a Dutch pig slaughterhouse, has responded very openly to some of our suggestions regarding improving conditions for “suspect” pigs. Suspect pigs are animals that are fit enough to be legally transported, but are lightly sick or injured. They are kept in separate pens at slaughterhouses, and usually only slaughtered at the end of the day to avoid any risk of contaminating the slaughter line. At most plants these pens are close to the entrance where the trucks come to unload, and thus there is a constant draft of cold air. The cement floor of the pens is also cold and bare. These pigs, already in a compromised state, are therefore left in an undesirable environment and suffer more. We have been active convincing plants to install floor heating or provide straw so these animals can stay warm and find some comfort. This particular Dutch plant has not only now installed floor-heating (kept at 20°C) but is also providing environmental enrichment (hanging ball). We wish to thank Compaxo for their positive cooperation and attitude towards improving animal welfare.