Eyes on Animals inspected a large pig export station in The Netherlands where every day dozens of livestock trucks are loaded with pigs and head off to farms and slaughterhouses in Croatia, Poland, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Germany. Two veterinarians, paid by the Dutch ministry, were present. They were checking that the animals were fit for transport. When we arrived, already 6 pigs had been set aside because they were injured or sick. We were told that they would be euthanised by injection later in the day. The loading conditions of one truck was too crowded, the piglets on board had difficulty all standing up without being trampled. The loading ramp used at this facility was however positive, they built it really long so that the angle of ascent was not very steep. This made it easier for the animals to climb. The handling was done without electric prods or roughness. We will keep inspecting this important station and speak with the VWA about the acceptable loading densities.
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