Today Eyes on Animals inspectors wanted to visit slaughterhouse Van Kemenade in Asten in the Netherlands. Four years ago we visited this slaughterhouse as well. Pigs that could hardly walk were accepted. An employee kicked the animals to get them to walk in the direction of the slaughter box. Also, cold water was poured over them and one pig was stunned in front of the eyes of the other pig.We were hoping to find a better situation today. We could enter the boning room, where the director of the slaughterhouse approached us. Unfortunately he was not prepared to let us go any further. He expressed distrust towards animal welfare organisations and he did not want us to watch the slaughter process. We hope this does not mean this slaughterhouse has something to hide.
Home » Our inspections » slaughterhouses » Slaughterhouse Van Kemenade in Asten refuses EonA