Today Eyes on Animals, Animal Welfare Foundation and Welfarm gave a training on the EU animal-welfare-legislation during transport to 40 police officers from throughout Zala county (Hungary), held in the city of Lenti near the Slovenian border. Two official veterinarians also participated and gave a short presentation about the local situation and the control post nearby where animals can be unloaded if necessary. After the theoretical training we all headed to the border to await any passing livestock trucks. Unfortunately none came by during the practical part of our training. However, the time was used to show the police officers the stables at the control post and exchange experiences and phone numbers. We will also remain in contact with the veterinarians, one of which gives the compulsory training course to livestock truck-drivers. We will send her our truck-driver training material and photos for her to also make use of. The police and the veterinarians here already have some experience working together but said that this training day made their bond stronger and motivation greater.