Today the EonA and AWF team had a very productive morning with a motivated group of Hungarian highway police from the Budapest region. Yesterday we suggested that the 6 most interested police officers from the theoretical training join our practical training session today. Four police in two cars and two police motorcyclists surveyed the highways leading onto and out of the Budapest ring. We conducted two thorough checks of pig consignments, both run by Hungarian transport companies (Hunland and Lazslo). On one there were sows from Slovakia and on the other German pigs that had been fattened in Hungary. Both were heading to slaughterhouses in Hungary. Fortunately the transport conditions were generally in respect of the well-being of the pigs – the density levels were within (and even below) the EU maximum, they had adequate headspace and after checking each one on all 3 levels, we feel confident that all animals were fit for transport. Reading their behaviour, it was also quite clear that the pigs were alright inside- none were panting as the temperature was not too hot today and they had space. Most were lying down and sleeping. Both trucks were equiped with very good access doors all along one side, meaning that the driver or the police could have easily organized first-aid for one on board should he or she have needed help. The driver however with the Slovakian pigs was told to next time put his dividers into place, and the driver of the other truck had a Certificate of Competence that had just run out. His company will be contacted via the veterinarian services to make sure that he re-news this certificate by attending a course again.
The police put what they learned yesterday during the theory course into practice today, and one told us afterwards “please come back again, today was very useful and we would like to continue doing such inspections to also check on transports of other species. We like your assistance”. Future practical trainings are in the works!