In order to improve the professionalism of its drivers, and avoid the serious mistakes of the past which sadly lead to animal suffering, Keus en Mollink transport company has taken numerous positive steps to better protect the animals they transport. Drivers that we observed not taking proper care of the animals during our investigations in Turkey were fired. As well, they hired us to give a training to their Hungarian drivers. And now the transport company has hired a new person to help teach their drivers in practice – he joins them in the field to show them how to properly give all the animals water, how much bedding to lay down for long journeys, how to reduce the ammonia level and prevent fighting, and what to do when an animal falls sick. The transport company has also searched for a good private veterinarian working close to the Turkish border, that they can call on whenever there is a problem. We hope these steps will prove to have a significant positive impact for the animals and that we no longer need to write complaints about trucks coming from this company. We also hope that other transport companies with problems will follow this positive example and improve their reputation too.