Last Monday we inspected the slaughter of cattle and sheep at Elif slaughterhouse. We examined closely the equipment used, the design of the lairages, raceways and restraint-box, and the handling and slaughter of the animals. This morning we returned to have a follow-up meeting with the private veterinarian of the slaughterhouse, the official government veterinarian and the veterinarian technicians to share with them our findings. We showed them photos of the positive points in their plant, which were better than at other slaughterhouses. Then we showed them the areas that are problematic and need to be changed in order to reduce fear and pain. They were very interested and will consider already now installing anti-mounting racks to prevent cattle from mounting each other and falling down in the raceway. They will also consider extra light to make movement of animals easier and calmer. We also encouraged them to replace their current live-hoisting restraint box with one that does not rely on live-hoisting. Via spreading knowledge of better practices and encouraging practical and realistic improvements, we hope to reduce suffering as much as possible during slaughter.